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Big Kaiser Presents Fifth Annual Donation to National Robotics League

19 Feb,2021


Customers of Big Kaiser helped to raise $6,275 to benefit the National Robotics League (NRL) – the fifth annual contribution to the program.  

The donation is a 2% match of all qualified orders from National Tooling & Machining Association (NTMA) member companies during the final two months of the calendar year. Manufacturers placed orders for cutting tools, tool holders, workholding and tool measurement systems, earning funds for the NRL at the same time.  

The National Robotics League (NRL) is a manufacturing workforce development program of the NTMA that organizes student teams to design and build remote-controlled robots (Bots) to face-off in a gladiator-style competition. Through the process of Bot building, students gain practical knowledge of Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) – all essential skills for manufacturing careers. 

“We’re not just fighting a skills gap in our workforce, we have an ‘interest gap’ too. The NRL helps create excitement about manufacturing technology and STEM careers,” says Roger Atkins, president at NTMA. “We appreciate Big Kaiser's continued support year over year, and of course all of the NTMA members who participate in the program to support the NRL.”  

“I’m really happy we could make this contribution to NRL despite the really difficult year. We need to be there for these kids and stay engaged in all types of programs to promote manufacturing careers,” said Chris Kaiser, Big Kaiser executive advisor. 

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